Why Deer Don’t Care About Land Clearing
Are Deer Bothered by Land Clearing Services?
The number one concern when it comes to clearing brush during hunting season is that “it will screw up my hunt.” This is a myth that we at Cedar Eaters of Texas would like to bust.
We have cleared thousands of acres over the past 22 years at all times of the year. And we’ve seen that the exact opposite is true—deer and various other wildlife increase in activity around cleared areas. It’s often that we hear comments like: “I’ve never seen that deer before” or “I didn’t know we had that many.” Our operators have all experienced deer seemingly watching the machines as they work.
Does Land Clearing Destroy Deer Hunting?
While some may think we are destroying their habitat, whitetail deer love to travel along edges and open spaces. Much of Central Texas is covered in cedar; however, many of these areas were once vastly open grasslands that have been encroached by cedar over time. Bad grazing practices, droughts and a lack of wildland fires have allowed cedar and mesquite to flourish.
These photos were taken from a deer blind on a ranch in Bosque County, Texas. The owner had few opportunities to see a deer walking through the brush due to the amount of cedar. Instead of clearing all the cedar, we opted to open up lanes which created more visibility from the stand. The habitat the deer were used to remained intact while allowing a hunter to have more time to watch an animal and decide which one to harvest for the season.
All of this can be done during hunting season, and in the end, you might have the best season of your life. The deer are not scared of the equipment. In fact, they are curious and want to come see what is causing all the noise. Once they are there, they find it much easier to maneuver and often explore their new space.
So, in other words, deer really don’t give a buck. Go ahead and do the land clearing. Contact us today to get started.